What needs to be included in a new auto insurance plan?

Those living in the Oviedo, FL, area are going to find that being a vehicle owner is a good option. When you buy a car in this area, you will have an easier time getting around the community and enjoying all it has to offer. If you are going to buy a car, you do need to get insurance for it as well, and one of these plans should include various forms of coverage to ensure you are supported. 

Protection for Car

A form of coverage you will need to have in an auto plan is protection for your car. If you are going to buy a car, you will quickly find that it can cost a lot of money to purchase and maintain, and the best way to protect this investment is with insurance. If you are appropriately insured, you will have support if your car is damaged or stolen and needs to be replaced or repaired. 

Liability Insurance

You also need to ensure you have proper liability insurance in your auto plan. When you have a liability insurance policy, it will offer support if you are at fault in an accident. This can help ensure you can cover damages, but it will also keep you in good standing with the law, which requires you to maintain auto coverage at all times. 

If you intend to drive a car in the Oviedo, FL area, you will likely know that you also need insurance. If you want auto coverage when you are here, our team with Karla Salmon Insurance is a great group to call. Our team with Karla Salmon Insurance will ensure you have the proper support and remain covered. 

Keys to Coverage: Auto Insurance Basics for Oviedo, FL Drivers

Navigating Oviedo’s busy streets can be tricky. Navigating grueling rush hour traffic in the blazing Orlando sun can become even more challenging when you know your vehicle isn’t adequately covered by insurance. 

The insurance experts at Karla Salmon Insurance are here to help! In the guide below, learn about a few auto insurance basics for Oviedo, FL drivers. 

Auto Insurance Basics for Florida Drivers

New drivers in Florida may be unaware that Sunshine State laws mandate all drivers to have minimum insurance coverage for liability protection on local area roads. Liability insurance protection is an introductory form of insurance that provides immediate financial protection for drivers in an at-fault accident. 

An auto accident can result in automobile damage, personal injuries, and legal liability claims for related medical expenses.

Talk to a trusted local insurance agent to learn more about the benefits of having mandatory coverage and how liability insurance can shield your finances in an automobile emergency. 

Additional Coverage Options Can Extend Your Policy Limits

Proactive drivers who want to protect their finances, passengers, and vehicles take their auto insurance protection a step further by adding comprehensive and collision coverages. These add-on auto insurance components can extend your policy limits to cover a variety of at-fault and no-fault accidents. 

Local drivers may know comprehensive coverage as “full coverage” insurance. This total insurance solution provides safeguards from accidents, liability claims, auto theft, vandalism, natural disasters, and even animal collisions. 

Get Auto Insurance Near You from a Trusted Local Provider in Oviedo, FL

Now that you understand auto insurance basics and coverages, the next step is to contact a knowledgeable local agent and get a quote! 

Five Reasons to Protect Your Oviedo FL Home with Comprehensive Home Insurance

Oviedo, FL homeowners are no strangers to the devastation and destruction that hurricanes, severe thunderstorms, flooding, and other natural disasters can leave behind. The good news is that the experts at Karla Salmon Insurance in Oviedo, FL, are here to help! 

Five Reasons to Protect Your Florida Home with Comprehensive Insurance 

1. Exposure to Weather-Related Risks 

Florida experiences weather extremes, including tropical storms, hurricanes, tornados, and extreme heat. These naturally occurring phenomena can pose significant risks to the structural integrity of your home. A comprehensive insurance policy can help offset some of the costs associated with storm recovery. 

2. Comprehensive Property Protection

Safeguard the interior and exterior of your home with comprehensive home insurance that can cover structural damage, theft, vandalism, and related perils. 

3. Liability Coverage Can Shield Homeowners from Legal Fees 

Unforeseen accidents that happen within the confines of your home and property can lead to costly lawsuits that can wipe out your savings and rack up expensive legal fees. Liability insurance for homeowners can help protect your finances from potential lawsuits and medical fees.

4. Comply with Mortgage Lender Requirements 

Many Florida mortgage lenders stipulate that homeowners must carry comprehensive home insurance to hold a mortgage. Comprehensive home insurance meets mortgage lender requirements. It adds a layer of financial security to your most significant investment. 

5. Peace of Mind is Priceless

It isn’t easy to put a price on peace of mind. However, in Oviedo, FL, residents who know that their financial interests are protected by home insurance can rest easier knowing that their home, family, and personal belongings are safe. 

Contact the knowledgeable and friendly insurance agents at Karla Salmon Insurance and get a home insurance quote today! 

Can You Afford to Leave Your Business Unprotected?

Owning a business comes with various rewards and benefits, but achieving success isn’t devoid of its associated costs. For business owners, these expenditures manifest in the form of time, effort, and resources required to nurture, expand, manage, and protect your business. Fortunately, service providers like Karla Salmon Insurance are here to help protect the business you’ve worked so hard to build, especially for our Oviedo, FL area clientele.

The High Price of Inadequate Insurance Coverage

Most business owners understand the worth and advantages of comprehensive insurance coverage. However, numerous businesses realize the exorbitant costs of underinsurance and lack of protective coverage every year. This realization highlights that the pertinent question isn’t about having insurance but the appropriate coverage for your business and its assets.

Moreover, it doesn’t require complicated mathematics to understand the intrinsic value of comprehensive commercial insurance. For instance, what would it cost to replace your facility roof damaged by a storm? What would it cost to replenish your inventory lost in a warehouse fire due to an electrical storm? Unquestionably, the true value of a well-crafted commercial insurance plan for your business is undeniable.

Avoid Leaving Your Business Vulnerable

If you’re a business owner in Oviedo, FL, or have questions about your commercial insurance coverage, the proficient and cordial team at Karla Salmon Insurance is here to assist you. Contact us today to learn more about our bespoke services and secure the best protection your business needs.

What to Do After an Accident

Auto Accident Guide: Steps to Take After an Incident

Most drivers may experience a car accident at some point, especially if they have been driving for a long duration. Here’s a guide to help you know what to do if you ever get involved in an accident.

Ensure Safety First

The Initiative after an accident is to confirm the safety of all implicated parties. Check for any injuries on yourself, then verify the well-being of your passengers and the occupants of the other vehicle.

If anyone is injured, summon an ambulance right away because people’s safety supersedes any insurance matters. In many cases, drivers involved in accidents around Oviedo, FL, can also relocate their vehicles to a secure location.

Exchange Critical Information

Switch contact and insurance data with the other driver involved in the accident. This includes names, addresses, phone numbers, insurers, and policy numbers. Acquiring contact information from any witnesses can be advantageous, too.

At Karla Salmon Insurance, we suggest drivers carry a physical copy of their insurance data in their vehicle, although looking it up on your phone is also feasible.

Document the Scene Accurately

Taking photographs of the accident scene can be beneficial when completing your insurance claim, mainly when there’s ambiguity concerning who’s at fault.

Capture images of all involved vehicles from a range of angles, showing the damage and the entire scene. Document any crucial road signs, traffic lights, or stop signs as well.

Call the Police if Required

In case of significant accidents, those that involve injuries or property damage, or any disagreement related to the accident’s occurrence, call the police. A police report delivers a credible and neutral document detailing the officer’s observations and the reported statements.

Reach Out for Auto Insurance Help

For auto insurance assistance, get in touch with Karla Salmon Insurance. Having helped numerous Oviedo, FL drivers, we’re here to assist you, too.

Does My Home Insurance Policy Cover My Work-From-Home Business?

As more people spend all or part of their work hours at home, there is increased awareness that most home insurance policies provide limited coverage for work-related tools and equipment. This article covers several options for adding that coverage. If you live in or near Oviedo, FL, the Karla Salmon Insurance team will gladly review your options and create a home and business insurance plan that works for you.

Home Insurance and Working From Home

As the name implies, home insurance covers personal assets and activities. It does not protect business assets and activities, whether you or your employer owns the assets. Typically, a home policy covers only $2,500 in business assets, so you should obtain additional coverage if you own a business and keep some assets at home.

You have several methods to obtain coverage that depends on your business size. Self-employed or freelancers often gain enough coverage by adding a business property endorsement to their home policy. However, check whether your business assets exceed the policy limits ($5,000 is standard.) If so, increase the policy limit with an endorsement.

Businesses with employees and less than $250,000 in revenues can benefit from in-home business insurance. These policies cover property, liability, and other elements typical of commercial insurance coverage.

Finally, a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP) may be appropriate for home-based businesses with revenues exceeding $250,000. BOPs package the commercial insurance elements you need, like Workers’ Compensation, and add liability coverage for colleagues or customers injured at your residence. 

Working with Karla Salmon Insurance

We recommend discussing your situation with your agent, such as Karla Salmon Insurance. Our team proudly serves homeowners and businesses in and near Oviedo, FL. Call us or stop in today.

Four Types of Commercial Property Insurance

Most Oviedo, FL businesses have assets to protect. A few different types of commercial property insurance help protect different assets.

1. Building Coverage

Building coverage is foundational to commercial property insurance. It generally protects the physical structure of the business premises, including walls, roofs, and attached fixtures. 

In Oviedo, FL, where weather conditions can sometimes be harsh, this coverage is vital for safeguarding buildings against storm damage. It normally protects against fire, vandalism, and other risks.

2. Contents Coverage

Contents coverage is designed to protect the items inside the business premises. This could include furniture, equipment, inventory, and other personal property. 

3. Tenants Betterment Coverage

Tenant betterment coverage is for businesses that lease their space. The coverage typically applies to any improvements or customizations made to the leased property. It could insure a range of built-in fixtures, such as cabinets, counters, storage closets, bookcases, plumbing and electricity, and more.

4. Signage Coverage

Signage coverage typically protects against the loss or damage of outdoor signs that are not attached to the building. Given Oviedo’s susceptibility to strong storms, this coverage is crucial for businesses with detached signs.

Make Sure Your Business’s Property is Insured

If you run a business with a building or any other notable assets, we at Karla Salmon Insurance can help ensure those assets are protected well. Our agents here at Karla Salmon Insurance have helped many businesses, large and small, insure their buildings, contents, improvements, and signs. We’ll work closely with you to find a commercial property insurance policy that gives the projections your business needs.

Are Outbuildings Covered By My Homeowners Insurance in Florida?

At Karla Salmon Insurance, we get a lot of questions about homeowners insurance from property owners in the Winter Springs and Oviedo, FL areas. The more our areas grow, the more questions increase in numbers and scope. Some of these questions involve outbuildings on a property. Here are some of the more frequent questions and answers.

What is an Outbuilding?

An outbuilding is a structure located on a property but separate from the main building. Examples include sheds, storage units, an unattached garage, and fencing.

Does my Homeowners Insurance Cover These Outbuildings?

The short answer is "probably". Many policies cover these structures to mirror the coverage of the main structure. However, outbuildings may not be covered for damage caused by lack of maintenance, pests, or insect damage. They may also be uncovered due to damage from flooding if a separate flood insurance policy is not in place on the main structure.

Are There Limits to Coverage of Outbuildings

Outbuilding coverage is generally tied to the overall limits of the primary homeowners’ insurance policy. This may include limits on the coverage of an outbuilding’s contents.

If you own a home in the Winter Springs and Oviedo, FL areas, you are in the midst of explosive growth. This includes massive commercial and residential developments. Home values are rapidly increasing, meaning you can quickly outgrow your homeowners’ insurance. Karla Salmon Insurance can review your present home insurance policy and provide a price quote. If you are unsure about your homeowner insurance and its coverage and limits, reach out to Karla Salmon Insurance, which serves Winter Springs, Geneva, Sanford, and Oviedo, FL.

Must Have Auto Insurance Coverages for Oviedo, FL Drivers

If you live in Oviedo, the last thing on your mind while cruising down Orlando’s suburban roads is getting in an automobile accident. Auto accidents cause thousands of dollars in property damages and personal injuries and even lead to lawsuit filings in legal liability claims. 

Protect yourself and the passengers in your vehicle with the best auto insurance coverages available for your situation. 

Insurance pros at Karla Salmon Insurance in Oviedo, FL can talk to you about must-have coverages for local area drivers. 

Must-Have Auto Insurance Coverage for Oviedo, FL Drivers 

  • Bodily Injury Liability: This mandatory liability insurance coverage helps to cover the costs of medical expenses for injured drivers if you’re at fault for a car accident. 
  • Property Damage Liability: Most drivers don’t ever expect to damage someone else’s property while driving on palm tree-lined Florida roads, but it can happen. Adequate liability insurance can help cover the costs. 
  • Collision Coverage: Collision coverage isn’t mandatory, but it is highly recommended for Florida drivers who want to have fewer out-of-pocket expenses for the repair or replacement of their vehicle when it’s been in an accident. 
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Comprehensive insurance coverage offers a total insurance solution that includes protections for collisions, weather-related incidents, and non-collision-related incidents like vandalism or theft. 
  • Roadside Assistance: Adding roadside assistance to an automobile insurance policy can save policyholders time and money spent waiting for emergency roadside assistance on the side of Florida’s blistering hot roads. 
  • Rental Car Reimbursement: Talk to licensed insurance agents to learn about rental car reimbursement if you’re stuck without your car for a while because of accident-related car repairs. 

Please don’t wait until it’s too late to protect your four-wheeled investments. Contact Karla Salmon Insurance in Oviedo, FL, and get an auto insurance quote today! 

Ridesharing and Auto Insurance: What Drivers Need to Know

Ridesharing services, like Uber and Lyft, have transformed how we commute. Whether you’re a full-time rideshare driver or occasionally offer rides to supplement your income, understanding the auto insurance implications is crucial. Here at Karla Salmon Insurance, providing auto insurance to customers in the greater Oviedo, FL region, we want to help you learn what rideshare drivers need to know about auto insurance.

Personal Auto Insurance

Most personal auto insurance policies do not cover commercial activities like ridesharing. Your coverage may be denied if you’re involved in an accident while driving for a rideshare company and only have personal insurance.

Rideshare Company Coverage

Rideshare companies typically provide insurance coverage while you’re actively driving for them. However, these policies often have coverage gaps, such as when you’re waiting for a ride request or driving without a passenger. It’s essential to understand when the rideshare company’s insurance applies.

Gap Insurance

Some insurance companies offer rideshare or gap insurance to bridge the coverage gaps. This additional coverage can protect you when using your vehicle for personal use but still has the potential for ride-share-related incidents.

If you’re a rideshare driver, don’t overlook the importance of proper auto insurance coverage. Review your personal policy, understand your rideshare company’s coverage, and consider adding gap insurance if necessary. Being informed and adequately insured will provide peace of mind as you navigate the roads as a rideshare driver, ensuring you’re protected in case of unexpected events. If you’re a rideshare driver and unsure if your auto insurance policy covers you, or you’re looking for a new policy in the greater Oviedo, FL region, reach out to the team at Karla Salmon Insurance to get help finding the perfect policy today.