Updating Your Home Insurance After Renovations

At Karla Salmon Insurance, we always want your Oviedo, FL home to receive the protection from homeowner’s insurance it deserves. We want to address the importance of updating your policy with us when you renovate or remodel your home.

Understanding the Value

When you purchased your home, you also purchased a home insurance policy, which insured your property as-is. That means your insurance policy insures your home as it was when you purchased it. If you read your policy in full, you’ll see that it specifies your home’s value. That value changes when you renovate or remodel.

If one of the perils named in your policy occurred today, your policy would pay you for the value of your home named in the policy documents. That means you would receive the amount of your home as you purchased it, even if you had poured $100,000 into remodeling it. You might have put in a new kitchen, added a bathroom, and converted the attic to a bedroom and bathroom, but if you did not update your insurance with us, we know and add to the policy that added value, it isn’t covered.

We recommend that when you consider making renovations, you contact us. We can help you with a construction policy that covers your added liability while having construction workers in the home. We can also update your home policy as soon as the renovations finish and receive a review from the city code enforcement office.

We also recommend taking a close look at the language used in your policy. Whether the policy provides actual value or current value makes a difference in the amount you would receive for repairs or rebuilding if a peril, such as a fire or a tornado occurred and your home incurred damage.

Contact Karla Salmon Insurance serving Oviedo, FL for more information on updating your home policy. Renovation isn’t the only reason to update it. Call us today!

Why You Need a Home Inventory

Building a home inventory is a daunting task, and we accumulate so much stuff that the idea of cataloging every item and making a record of it sounds like the worst kind of tedium. Despite that, you should create and maintain yours for a few critical reasons. 

To accurately assess your insurance needs.

Whether you are a renter or property owner, it’s important to understand just how valuable your property is to make educated decisions about how much coverage you should carry. You do not want to find out belatedly that your insurance limits are insufficient to replace or repair property lost to disaster, theft, or vandalism. Feel confident in your insurance purchases by keeping an updated, remotely stored home inventory. 

To know if you need to schedule property.

Scheduled property is a fancy term that means costly items are covered. Scheduled property endorsements usually apply to high-value items like expensive electronics, jewelry, artwork, and firearms. While doing your home inventory, note your possessions of significant worth and discuss picking up an endorsement to protect those items in case of a loss with your agent.

To be prepared in the event of a claim.

You don’t want to be scrambling to remember what you owned and how much it was worth after a loss. If you don’t keep an updated inventory, you could lose out on otherwise claimable assets, which translates directly into cash in your pocket for repairs or replacement. Having an inventory makes the claims process much smoother, faster, and likely results in higher reimbursement. 

Oviedo, FL homeowners and renters looking to get started on, or update a home inventory, don’t wait. Call or stop by Karla Salmon Insurance today to speak with a friendly agent happy to answer your questions. Make your homeowner’s policy count.

How a New Dog Impacts Your Florida Home Insurance

Whether you have a pup already or are considering obtaining one, it’s worth understanding how a dog can influence your home insurance policy in Oviedo, FL.

The Owner is Liable 

If your pooch is involved in a biting incident, Florida law allows any person bitten in a public place or while lawfully in a private area the right to collect damages from the owner. That can include medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses. In short, it can add up quickly. 

Is Your Pup Covered?

Some liability protection likely exists in your homeowner’s policy. However, there are possible exclusions, and your policy limits may not be high enough to protect you from financial fallout should your family pet be unexpectedly aggressive. Check to see if your dog’s breed is on a restricted list. Some insurers don’t have breed restrictions at all; instead, they insure based on your pet’s biting history. Some refuse to cover dog bites entirely. It is essential to know what your insurer offers before an injury occurs.

Consider Additional Coverage

There are a few additional coverage options homeowners can consider to protect themselves against potentially catastrophic financial damage from a dog bite:

  • Umbrella policies can add to your pool of available funds to pay for damages, not just from dog bites but from other claims that exceed your usual limits.
  • Canine liability policies exist to provide additional protection for pet owners. 
  • Excess coverage can expand your limits. 

The best way to determine your coverage options is to speak with an agent to help you navigate your policy details. When you are ready to pick up your new pup, be sure to call or stop by Karla Salmon Insurance to make sure your family, including your new best friend, is adequately covered. 

What Is And Is Not Covered By Standard Home Insurance?

Home insurance that is also known as homeowner’s insurance is a type of property insurance, the purpose of which is to protect your home, you as a homeowner, and your personal belongings. In the state of Florida, it is not required to carry home insurance, but your mortgage lender may require it. If you are considering getting this type of insurance, and you want to know more about it, Karla Salmon Insurance serving clients in Oviedo, FL prepared information about what home insurance does and does not cover. 

What Is Covered By Standard Home Insurance?

Generally, standard home insurance includes six types of coverage:

  • Dwelling – damage to your home and attached structures
  • Other structures, including certain stand-alone structures, such as a shed or fence. 
  • Personal property. Home insurance pays for the repair and replacement of stolen or damaged personal belongings. 
  • Liability. It protects you against lawsuits for injury or unintentional property damage that you or your family members caused to other people. 
  • Additional living expenses. It pays for your temporary living while your home is being repaired. 

What Is Not Covered By Standard Home Insurance?

Usually, most standard home insurance policies do not cover:

  • Wear and tear. Home insurance covers only accidental or sudden damage. 
  • Negligent home care. If you did not take care of your home property and this caused problems, your insurance will not cover it. 
  • Poor installation. If systems, structures, or appliances were not installed properly, this will not be covered by insurance. 

Karla Salmon Insurance – We Are Ready To Take Care of Your Home

Are you a homeowner living in Oviedo, FL or any other nearby town? Are you looking for home insurance? Then you should contact our insurance agency. Our professional and knowledgeable insurance agents will answer all of your questions and help you find a perfect policy based on your budget and personal preferences. Feel free to visit our website or call us. 

4 Risks Not Covered By Home Insurance

When procuring for a home insurance policy from Karla Salmon Insurance in Oviedo, FL, it’s wise to know what’s covered and what’s not covered. This understanding will save you from incurring costs and experiencing heartache when filing a claim. To help you stay informed, we have highlighted some perils that are not covered by your typical homeowner’s insurance. This way, you will make an informed decision when shopping for home insurance coverage.

Floods and earthquake damages

When obtaining your homeowner insurance coverage, it’s worth noting that damages resulting from earthquakes and floods are not covered. In unfortunate cases where such perils damage your home, you will incur the costs of reconstructions or repairs. 

Since such occurrences are real and can occur when you least expect them, you should consider purchasing separate insurance coverage against such perils.

Normal wear and tear

Your typical home insurance won’t compensate you for damages resulting from things you are capable of preventing. Such things are considered to have happened due to your negligence, and you should cover them yourself. 

Home-based business 

If you have started a home-based business, it’s essential to purchase commercial insurance for optimal protection. While home insurance protects your dwelling and its contents, it won’t cushion you against liabilities emanating from your business. For instance, home insurance won’t cover medical expenses if a customer gets injured within your home premises. 

Pest and mold infestation

Home insurance assumes that you will observe due care to keep pests and molds at bay. You can’t watch pests, such as termites destroy your home, and then you go seeking help from your insurer. Such claims will face rejections since you left them to happen when you were in a position to take preventative measures.

Home insurance in Oviedo, FL

Would you like to learn more about home insurance? Please contact Karla Salmon Insurance for more information. Besides, we will advise riders to consider covering you against the above home insurance exclusions.

Home insurance options for Oviedo, FL residents

There is something about being a homeowner. Having a place that you can call your home comes with an unrivaled sense of fulfillment. But have you taken the necessary steps to safeguard your invaluable asset? Purchasing the right amount of home insurance coverage from Karla Salmon Insurance for your Oviedo, FL home is one of the best investment decisions you will ever make.

Because we understand that there is no one-size-fits-all home insurance, we will walk you through the following home insurance options to find the right coverage for you.

Dwelling coverage: It’s the basis for all homeowners. It covers the building itself, floors, roofs, walls, built-in ceilings, and any other structure attached to your house. It protects against several risks like fire, hail, theft, and vandalism. In case of a total loss, it can rebuild your home up to your policy limit.

Contents coverage: Covers personal belongings like electronics, furniture, and clothing. If a covered incident were to occur, you would get compensated for the lost/damaged items as defined by your policy.

Personal liability coverage: Protects you against bodily damage that occurs to third parties within your premises or elsewhere. Liability insurance also covers damages that you might have inflicted on the neighbor’s property.

The standard home insurance coverage doesn’t protect you against all perils despite your policy limit. With this in mind, it’s wise to consider the following optional home insurance coverages.

  • Flood insurance protects your building and its contents against flood damage.
  • Umbrella insurance covers excess liability when your typical insurance cover runs out.
  • Other structures coverage covers detached structures like the gazebo, shed, and the swimming pool against damage.

Ready to get started with home insurance? Whether it’s a new or old home, at Karla Salmon Insurance located in Oviedo, FL, we will partner with you to find a home insurance solution that works best for you. Contact us today.

Do I always need to get home insurance?

The Oviedo, FL area is a great place for people to move to. This area of Florida has a growing economy and population as well as great weather and local amenities. As you are looking to buy a home here, you should also spend time thinking about your insurance needs. There are a few different reasons why you will need to get home insurance when you are going to purchase a home in this area of Florida.

Insurance Will Ensure Compliance

An important reason that you should get home insurance when you are in this area of Florida is that it will ensure you are in compliance with various agreements. The typical property owner in this area of Florida is going to have to meet insurance standards that are set by mortgage lenders, home associations, and other interested parties. When you get full coverage, you can remain in compliance with these obligations.

Insurance Protects Assets

A quality insurance policy is also going to provide you with coverage for your assets. Your home insurance policy will offer protection to repair your home if it is damaged or even to replace your personal belongings that are stored under your roof. This can help you do not lose your assets due to an unforeseen situation. 

There are a lot of reasons why someone in the Oviedo, FL area will need to get home insurance. If you are going to purchase a property here and need a new insurance policy, it would be a good idea for you to call Karla Salmon Insurance. The team with Karla Salmon Insurance understands the need for someone to get protection for their home. They can help you by assessing your situation and giving the proper guidance that you need to choose a new policy. 

3 Tips for Buying Homeowner’s Insurance in Oviedo FL

Home insurance is an easy and affordable way to protect your property. In fact, this asset is so valuable, it needs to be insured in order for the bank to give you a mortgage. Home insurance comes into play when you need to file a claim, such as a liability claim, or a claim for something like fire or theft. If you want to purchase home insurance for your property, read the following three tips to help you get started. 

1. Work with a Reputable Agent

The first thing you need to do to get on the right track in the home insurance buying process is to contact a reputable insurance agent. This individual will ask you a few questions to determine what you need to be covered and the amount you need to cover it. He or she is available to answer all your questions and concerns while you evaluate quotes. If you want to save time and be successful in the process, reach out to a reputable agent at Karla Salmon Insurance. 

2. Compare Many Quotes

No two insurance policies are exactly the same. For this reason, it’s important to compare more than one homeowner’s insurance policy before making a choice. The recommendation, according to Karla Salmon Insurance, is to compare three or more homeowner’s insurance quotes. 

3. Bundle Your Policies

What other insurance policies do you have? Do you have an auto insurance policy? Life? If so, bundle your new homeowner’s insurance policy with your existing policies to save on your premiums. 

To learn more about buying a home insurance policy in Oviedo, FL, you need to contact a reputable agent. Start by calling our team today. 

Customizing Your Homeowners Insurance Policy

Your home may be your castle, but it requires an insurance policy that covers the moat, too. You could purchase a standard HO policy, but you need to customize it to cover the things that make your home a castle. This requires add-ons and riders that your agent at Karla Salmon Insurance of Oviedo, FL can explain further.

The typical HO policy includes property damage coverage from falling objects, fire, hail, lightning, water damage from plumbing, smoke, windstorms, theft, vandalism, HVAC, and damage caused by the weight of snow, sleet, and ice. Personal property also receives protection. Many policies also cover debris removal, plus per diem when you must stay in a hotel or apartment while your home gets repaired. The policy provides liability coverage for lawsuits and financial claims brought by those who were injured accidentally on the property.

You might need to add-on to your policy. One common add-on, sump pump overflow, and water backup coverage that reimburses you for the cleanup and restoration if your sump pump fails and the sewer backs up or overflows into your basement.

You can add to roof coverage including hail and wind damage. Discuss with your agent whether you need it covered for replacement cost or actual cash value. The former pays for a new roof as it costs today, but the latter pays you what the roof on the house was worth when the storm hit. In other words, the depreciated value.

Matching siding coverage covers the cost of replacing all the siding on the house if the siding on the house no longer gets manufactured. The standard HO policy covers only the damaged bits. This add-on lets you put on all-over siding so it continues to match.

You need the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) coverage to protect your home from a flood. Even home not in a flood plain remain at risk for flooding. In an area prone to earthquakes, you need separate coverage for it. The add-on applies to the house, garage, personal property, other structures such as a workshop or shed plus driveways, fences, and sidewalks. 

Most standard policies provide about 10 percent of the value of the home as other structures coverage. You can add to this so your swimming pool or detached office building receives the coverage it needs.

Home renovation insurance covers when you remodel your home. It covers the ongoing work as well as the construction materials, damage, and potential for foundation collapse. Those who work from home may need home-based business coverage to insure their business property as well as cover perils causing a business-interruption and liability. One of the new types of coverage is identity theft coverage. You can bundle this into your home policy to protect your identity and the costs involved with reputation rebuilding.

Call or email Karla Salmon Insurance serving the Oviedo, FL area. We can help you obtain the home policy you need, customized to protect your home.

How To Determine The Amount Of Home Insurance You Need

Purchasing home insurance is important for any homeowner, whether they are financing or own the home outright. The best way to protect that investment is to have the right level of home insurance coverage in place. The goal is to avoid gaps in coverage and to have a policy value that will reflect the appropriate replacement cost of the home.

Home Insurance Coverage Calculations

The best way to find the policy value a homeowner needs to be completely protected is to work with an insurance agent with plenty of experience assisting clients. They will need to know the value of the home in questions, including any additional structure on the property. Additionally, they will also need an accurate assessment of all of the contents and may advise the owner to save receipts and any appraisals that may be relevant in case there is a claim at a later date. Having all of the information handy will help expedite the claims process and prevent issues with the provider. Once a number is reached, the insurance agent will suggest a policy amount that will accurately reflect the value of the property as a whole. There are a couple of different types of home insurance to choose from, which they can help you understand more clearly during the shopping process. 

Let An Agent Assist You

One of the best ways to protect yourself when it comes to purchasing insurance is to be educated. An insurance agent can help you learn about the terms and conditions and provide you with relevant information and need to know fine print included in the policy language. Anyone who is living in the Oviedo, FL area can rely on the agents at Karla Salmon Insurance to guide them in the right direction and assist before, during, and after the policy purchase. 

Call or stop by Karla Salmon Insurance, serving the Oviedo, FL area today to schedule an appointment with an agent or to ask questions about policy options.